ways to get yourself by.
2012-04-23 -- 10:27 p.m.

it doesn't matter, i guess.

you can't always take things so personally. i'm speaking to myself, because even though i pretend i don't i actually usually do. everyone is always just looking out for themselves, doing whatever is in their own best interest.

it's not a bad thing, i guess. it's just when you're younger you want to believe that people care, that they'll always choose you, and that they'd put you first. that's nice to think about, but it never really truly happens.


i hate my job, but i fall more in love with the people i work with each day. how could such wonderful people work such a shitty job?

i only tell elizabeth i love her or even like her when i'm drunk, but she is one of those people you could call in the middle of the day, night, or apocalypse and she would come save you. i call kyle "little bear" because even though i'm not attracted to him the slightest bit sometimes i think he is so cute in that little boy way. without them my boxcutter would have met each wrist a long time ago.

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last five
i'm pathetic - 2013-08-26
Don't leave me - 2013-08-22
Oh, man - 2013-08-11
. - 2013-07-16
grow up - 2013-07-02




22. girl. trying to figure out how to be a grown up.